Capiz officials briefed on NEDA, RDC roles
5:56 PM1 minute read
NEDA-6 regional director Ro-Ann Bacal led the discussion on the rationale and program overview implemented by NEDA and RDC and the roles of various government agencies partnered with NEDA.
Capiz Governor Vic Tanco and the same time Chairman of the Regional Development Council-Region 6 was also present in the event.
NEDA officials together with Gov. Tanco encourage local officials, representatives and department heads of government agencies to create some additional plans and proposal on more projects that the people will benefit most.
Other topics being discussed during the said event here are Strengthening of Provincial Land Used Program, Resources Mobilization, Official Development Assistance, Public- Private Partnership, Strengthening Local Project Monitoring Committee, Status of Major Programs and projects, strengthening of Provincial Statistics Coordination Committee and Importance of Data and Maps.
Also, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed by NEDA and the Capiz provincial government on the project "Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption in Local Development Planning and Decision-making Processes (DRR/CCA Project)".(FroilanUnarce/CPPB)